IEEE 1025-1993 pdf free

05-18-2021 comment

IEEE 1025-1993 pdf free.IEEE Guide to the Assembly and Erection of Concrete Pole Structures.
IEEE 1025 The line designer should specify the maximum anticipated loads that may be applied during constructionand maintenance of the line, as well as the location of these loads (see IEEE Std 524-1991).Some of theseloading considerations are as follows:
a) Fully or partially assembled structures should be subjected to dead-weight loads, temporary guying loads for stability,worker loads,wind loads, and rigging loads during assembly and erection.Reasonable combinations of these loads should be anticipated by the designer and discussed withpotential constructors to ensure safety and efficiency and prevent structural damage.
b)Members on which a worker is expected to climb or stand should be designed to carry a load atmidspan. This load should include the weight of the worker,the equipment, a safety factor,andpossible dynamic loads (see IEEE Std 524-1991).Some construction or maintenance methods mayrequire more than one worker to stand on a particular member.
c)Portions of a structure may be subjected to additional loads due to one or more workers during con-struction and maintenance(e.g., the end of a cross arm).These loads, in addition to the normal wireloads anticipated during construction and maintenance, should be considered.
d)If fall-prevention systems are required by the owner,additional facilities should be provided forsafety equipment.
e)Rigging attachment points should be provided for lifting the structure,hoisting insulators andtravelers,stringing,clipping in,dead ending,and maintenance. All of these points should beexplicitly identified. A diagram giving the allowable construction loads on the erected structureshould be prepared and provided to the constructor.
Particular attention should be given to the following loading conditions:
l) Rigging methods used in hoisting may multiply the load at the attachment point [B11].
2) At the beginning and end of each conductor stringing operation, the conductors may be brought down to stringing equipment, anchors, or both.The vertical and horizontal components of ten-sion imposed on the structure may become significant at these locations, and failures haveoccurred on both suspension and dead-end structures.The positioning of the stringingequipment or anchors is critical, especially in mountainous terrain (see IEEE Std 524-1991 andfigure 2).IEEE 1025 pdf download.

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