BS ISO 6472:2010 pdf free

05-08-2021 comment

BS ISO 6472:2010 pdf free.Rubber compounding ingredients一Symbols and abbreviated terms.
BS ISO 6472 This International Standard establishes unambiguous symbols and abbreviated terms for commonly used rubber compounding ingredients of known, specific chemical composition.
The symbols and abbreviated terms are derived from common usage in industry and commerce rather than from any systematic nomenclature. The list is not intended to conflict with, but rather to act as a supplement to, existing trade names and trademarks.
When symbols and abbreviated terms first appear in a text, they shall be enclosed in parentheses and shall be preceded by the chemical name written in full.
The list does not purport to be comprehensive, and symbols and abbreviated terms for other compounding ingredients will be added in future revisions of this International Standard.
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature is provided where this is available, in addition to the commonly used chemical name or names. In some instances, alternative commonly used chemical names are given where they are recognized. Where available, a Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS RN) is also provided.
Unlike ISO 1043-3, which uses the letter F for phosphates, this International Standard uses the letter P, because P is used universally to designate phosphates and other phosphorous compounds and the letter F is used universally to designate fluorine and its compounds; this usage would thus minimize the confusion among those using this International Standard.
The list includes those plasticizers most commonly used in rubber compounding. Aditional abbreviated terms are given in ISO 1043-3.
Unless otherwise indicated, the alkyI groups are n-alkyl groups and the phthalates are esters of o-phthalic acid.
No letter symbol is used in the abbreviated terms to indicate normal (n-) linear alcohols. For branched (iso-) alcohols, the additional letter I is used, with one exception: in view of worldwide usage of the letter 0 for 2-ethylhexyI (for example, in DOA and DOP), this practice is observed in this International Standard. Because of this dual usage, the application of the convention specified in 7.1.2 is most important.
For plasticizers based on di-esters of the same alcohol, the first letter of the abbreviated term is D.
Mixtures of plasticizers are not considered in this International Standard.BS ISO 6472 pdf download.

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