BS ISO 23322:2021 pdf free

05-07-2021 comment

BS ISO 23322:2021 pdf free.Paints and varnishes – Determination of solvents in coating materials containing organicsolvents only – Gas-chromatographic method.
BS ISO 23322 To prevent condensation, the detector temperature shall be at least 10 K above the maximum oventemperature.
The flame ionization detector (FID) is operated at temperatures between 230 °C and 300°C.To preventcondensation, the detector temperature shall be at least 10 K above the maximum oven temperature.The detector gas supply, injection volume, split ratio and gain setting shall be optimized so that thesignals (peak areas) used for the calculation are proportional to the amount of substance.
The column shall be made of glass or fused silica.Columns of sufficient length to resolve volatiles andof maximum internal diameter 0,32 mm, of a suitable polarity and with a suitable film thickness shallbe used.
The analytical system performance criteria shall be demonstrated.The resolution,R, of the peaks to beseparated shall be at least 1,5.
For the compounds under investigation it has to be ensured that the sample concentration lies withinthe quantification range of the analytical system.
NOTE The limit of quantification can deviate for single compounds. If necessary, the compound specificlimitof quantification can be determined for the considered single compound[s].
The injection syringe for hot or cold injection systems shall have a capacity of at least twice the volumeof the sample to be injected into the gas chromatograph.
Suitable software shall be used for integration, calibration, quantification and other data handlingprocesses.
A suitable sample vial is one made of chemically inert material, for example glass, which can be sealedfor example with a rubber membrane having a coating of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE). The vesselshall be filled to about 90 % of capacity.The internal standard should be a compound which is not present in the sample and is completelyseparated from the other components in the chromatogram. It shall be inert with respect to the sampleconstituents, stable in the required temperature range, and of known purity. The preferred internalstandard is DEA.
NOTE If DEA is not suitable as internal standard, internal standards such as glycol ethers can be suitable.BS ISO 23322 pdf download.

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