BS ISO 19709-1:2016 pdf free

05-03-2021 comment

BS ISO 19709-1:2016 pdf free.Transport packaging – Smallload container systems Common requirements and testmethods.
BS ISO 19709-1 All tests shall be conducted on new unused SLC system elements.
Test shall be conducted not earlier that 72 h after the manufacture of the element.
SLCsystem elements shall exhibit a uniform, matte colouring and smooth surfaces, which shall be freefrom foreign objects, blowholes, cracks, webbing and other defects.Minor shallow, processing-relatedunevenness and pock marks are permissible if they do not impair fitness for use.Further qualityconditions are described in the following subclauses.
A.1.2Conditioning before testing
SLC elements submitted for testing shall be preconditioned for at least 24 h at (23 ± 2) °C.Unlessotherwise specified, the tests shall be conducted under the preconditioning conditions.
A.1.3 Dimensions
Dimensions and dimensional tolerances of containers are given in ISo/TS 19709-2 and ISO/TS 19709-3.When measured on three elements sampled at random, the dimensional and tare mass requirementsspecified in the relevant part shall be met.
A.1.4 Masses
12 each empty, dry SLC system elements shall be weighed individually.
The tare mass of any SLC system element may not deviate from the target mass for that element bymore than ±1 %.
A.1.5Test load
The test load shall be the nominal load or the nominal stacking load multiplied by the safety factor.The safety factor shall be at least 1,5(apply only for stacking test).
A.1.6Test ballast
Any test ballast required for a particular test shall create a uniformly spread test load occupying morethan 80 % of the container capacity. It shall be composed either of the actual product with which theSLC element under test is to be used or of either of twotypes of fabric or plastic film test bags as follows.
The test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 2234 and the test method chosen shall be recorded.Stack three empty SLCs.Place a test load via a flat rigid surface on the top SLC (see Figure A.2).
Take measurements (expressed in millimetres) at each corner of the stack between the placement leveland the surface of application of the test load:
a) first measurement with 10 % of the test load (pre-load) at (23± 2)°C;b)second measurement with 100 % of the test load after 96 h at (23 ± 2)°C;
crelaxation: the test load is reduced to the pre-load and the stack is placed at (23 ± 2)°C for 24 h;d)third measurement with 10 % of the test load (pre-load) at (23± 2) °C.BS ISO 19709-1 pdf download.

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