BS EN ISO 9554:2010 pdf free

05-08-2021 comment

BS EN ISO 9554:2010 pdf free.Fibre ropes—General specifications (ISO 9554:2010).
BS EN ISO 9554 This International Standard specifies the general characteristics of fibre ropes and their constituent materials It is intended to be used in conjunction with the standards for the individual types of fibre rope, which cover the physical properties and specific requirements for that particular product type. This International Standard also gives some information on the use of fibre ropes and also on their inspection
and retirement criteria.
This International Standard does not intend to address all of the safety matters associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to select a rope type of the size and with the physical properties to meet the requirements of the application and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to its use.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Unless otherwise specified, 3-, 4- and 6-strand laid ropes shall be Z twist (right-hand lay), their strands S-twist and their roping yarns Z-twist.
The 8-strand braided ropes shall consist of four S-twist strands and four Z-twist strands arranged so that S-twist strands alternate (individually or in pairs) with Z-twist strands (individually or in pairs).
The 12-strand braided ropes shall consist of six S-twist strands and six Z-twist strands arranged so that Q S-twist strands alternate (individually or in pairs) with Z-twist strands (individually or in pairs).
A double-braided rope shall consist of a number of strands that are braided to form a core, around which additional strands are braided to form a sheath. The core lies coaxially within the sheath. The number of strands varies, based upon the size of the rope.
A parall rope construction consists of a number of sub-ropes protected by a non-load-bearing cover.Each strand shall consist of an equal number of rope yarns sufficient to provide the characteristics specified in the International Standard for the relevant product. For ropes of reference number 36 or higher, the number of yarns in each strand may differ by one yarn or +2,5 % from the intended number of yarns in the strand.
The ropes and their strands shall be continuous, without splice for standard delivered lengths or shorter lengths.BS EN ISO 9554 pdf download.

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