BS EN ISO 20126:2012 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS EN ISO 20126:2012 pdf free.Dentistry — Manualtoothbrushes — General requirements and test methods(ISO 20126:2012).
BS EN ISO 20126 Gripping unit to secure the brush head, having a structure such that compressive force is notinduced on the tufts.See Figure 2.Clamp, for securely holding all the filaments in one tuft, e.g. a tuft-gripping clamp or a Collet chuckused to grip a tuft, and consisting of an outer shell that slips over the filaments and a probe which screws intothe shell, pinching the filaments between it and the shell.
Apparatus for applying, measuring and indicating the removal force, e.g. digital force gaugeor universal testing machine (force range: 5 N to 50 N, accuracy: 0,1 N, range of pulling speed: 20 mm/minto 100 mm/min).
Place the toothbrush in the gripping unit ( and lock it into place so that the clamp( pulls the tuftalong the long axis of the tuft, without any twisting.Do not compress the tufts during or after placement.
Place the clamp on the filament tuft, ensuring that all the filaments from one tuft only are clamped; do notinclude filaments from the surrounding tufts. Secure the filaments from the tuft at approximately the mid-pointof the tuft length. Record the force required to pull out the tuft using the testing apparatus (
Test two non-adjacent tufts of each type (if available).
Add 1,5 g of L-carvone,1,5 g of L-menthol and 15 g of sodium lauryl sulfate to 100 g of ethanol in thecontainer ( and stir well using the mixing apparatus( 250 ml of Grade 3 water in accordancewith ISO 3696 and stir well to obtain a clear solution.Add 200 g of glycerine and 432 ml of Grade 3 water inaccordance with lSO 3696 and stir to obtain a clear solution.
Place the brush head and at least 80 % of a total length of the toothbrush in the chemical challenge solution.After 24 h without agitation, remove the toothbrush, rinse with Grade 3 water in accordance lSo 3696 andshake off excess water.Perform the test as required in 5.5(fatigue resistance test).
Clamping unit, to hold the toothbrush handle (see Figure 3). The clamping unit consists of the mainblock (key item 4) and the holding blocks (key items 6 and 7) as shown in Figure 3. The holding blocks canbe moved by screws. The radius of the internal edges of the main block and the holding blocks should be(4,0±0,1) mm.BS EN ISO 20126 pdf download.

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