BS EN 81-73:2016 pdf free

05-02-2021 comment

BS EN 81-73:2016 pdf free.Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts-Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts Behaviour of lifts in the event of fire.
BS EN 81-73 the lift shall operate in the following way:
1) a lift parked at a landing, shall close the doors and travel nonstop to the designated landing. An audible signal shall sound in the car until the doors are closed. At the latest when the actual door dwell time exceeds 20 s, door protection devices shall be made inactive and the doors shall attempt to close as defined in EN 81-20:2014, b) 4);
2) a lift with manually operated or non-automatic power operated doors, if parked at a landing with open doors, shall remain immobilised at that landing. If the doors are closed, the lift shall travel non-stop to the designated landing;
3) a lift travelling away from the designated landing shall make a normal stop and reverse its direction at the nearest possible landing without opening the doors and return to the designated landing;
4) a lift travelling towards the designated landing shall continue its travel non-stop to the designated landing. lithe lift has already started stopping at a level, it is acceptable to make a normal stop and without opening doors to continue its travel to the designated landing.The automatic dispatch to the lowest landing as defined in EN 81-20:2014, 5.1 2.1.10, shall be rendered inoperative.
The breakdown of a lift in a group of interconnected lifts shall not affect the return of other lifts to the designated landing.
On arriving at the designated landing, lifts with power-operated doors shall open their doors and make audible (e.g. speech message) and/or visual indication (e.g. text message such as flre alarm — lift out of service — exit now). The audible signal shall be adjustable between 35 dB(A) and 65 dB(A), initially set at 55 dB(A). The lift shall then operate according to 5.3.5 a) or b), provided the latter is permitted by national building regulations (see Introduction):a) At the latest when the actual door dwell time exceeds 20 s, the car and landing doors shall be closed and the lift shall be removed from service. The door open and emergency alarm buttons shall remain operative. To enable the fire service to check whether the car is present and persons are not trapped (see EN 81-20:2014, 0.4.2), any landing call at the designated landing shall initiate opening of the doors of the lift which is at the corresponding designated landing for maximum 20 s.NOTE 1 In any case, the doors can be opened by hand, as required by EN 81—20:2014,
b) According to national regulations and where a safe area is provided in front of the lift landing doors at the designated landing(s), the lift may park there with car and landing doors open. The lift shall be removed from service.
NOTE 2 It is recognized that lift landing doors parked open can offer no resistance to fire and so it is essential that the building design allow for this.
On arriving at the designated landing, lifts with manually operated doors shall be removed from service, unlock the door(s) and shall make audible (e.g. speech message) and/ or visual indication (e.g. text message such as “fire alarm — lift out of service — exit now”). The audible signal shall be adjustable between 35 dB(A) and 65 dB(A), initially set at 55 dB(A).
The lift shall automatically reset to normal operation when signal(s) from recall means are reset.BS EN 81-73 pdf download.

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