BS EN 71-7:2014 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS EN 71-7:2014 pdf free.Safety of toys Finger paints—Requirements and test methods.
BS EN 71-7 Finger paints shall be preserved using only the preservatives listed in Annex B, The determination of preservatives shall be in accordance with the methods appoved under EU Cosmetics Legislation, where available (see Directive 82/434/EEC [6]. Directive 83/514/EEC (7], Directive 85/490/EEC [8]. Directive 93173/EEC [9], Directive 95/32/EC [10]. Directive 96145/EC [11]). When tested in accordance with these methods, the maximum concentrations specified in the column “maximum allowed concentration” of Table B.1 and the limitations and requirements specified in the column “Limitations and requirements” of Table 8.1 shall be observed.
Migration of certain elements:When tested in accordance with EN 71-3 the concentration of elements shall not exceed the limit values specified in EN 71-3.
The primary aromatic amines listed in Table 1 shall not be determinable when tested in accordance with the test method in Annex D.
Finger paints shall not contain carcinogenic primary aromatic amines (see Table2 for a nonexhaustive list of relevant substances) in a total amount exceeding 20 mg/kg, with no individual primary aromatic amine exceeding 10 mg/kg, when tested in accordance with Annex D. The limitation does not apply to aromatic aminocarboxylic acids or aminosulfonic acids.
The pH-value of the finger paint shall be between 4,0 and 10,0 when tested in accordance with EN ISO 787-9.
Binding agents, extenders, humectants and surfactants.Only binding agents, extenders, humectants and surfactants which are not fifillig the hazard criteria in 4.1 shall be used in finger paints.
See Annex C for a list of compounds known to be commonly used.
The classification is detailed in Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [1] (Annex 1, Part 3: Health Hazards).
When tested in accordance with EN 71-12 the concentration of N-nitrosamines shall not exceed the limit
The containers used for finger paints shall not possess a form, odour, colour, appearance, packaging,labelling, volume or size, such that it is likely that consumers, especially children, will confuse them with foodstuffs and in consequence place them or the finger paints in their mouths, or suck or ingest them. Markings shall be clearly visible, easily legible, indelible, understandable and accurate. AIl markings shall be in the national language(s) of the country(ies) of sale.EN 71-1 contains further marking requirements.If the container is also the primary packaging all information under 5.2.1 shall also be given on the container. All information shall draw the attention of users or their supervisors to the inherent hazards and risks of harm involved in using the finger paint and to the way of avoiding such hazards and risks.BS EN 71-7 pdf download.

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