BS EN 685:2007 pdf free

05-10-2021 comment

BS EN 685:2007 pdf free.Resilient, textile andlaminate floor coverings — Classification.
BS EN 685 This European Standard specifies a classification system for resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings. Theclassification is based on practical requirements for areas of use and intensity of use and is linked to therequirements specified in the European Standard for each type of floor covering.
This European Standard is also intended to give guidance to manufacturers, specifiers and consumers toenable them to choose the appropriate class of floor covering for any given area of use or specific room.
NOTE The wear and appearance of floor coverings are infuenced by standards of installation and maintenance, thecondition of the sub-floor and the kind of use (type of footwear, high concentrations of localized traffic etc.). These factorsshould be taken into account when using this classification system.
The different areas of use are specified in Table 1.The classes are logically based on intensity of use. InAnnex A, a list of examples is given for different areas of use. These examples are intended to explain thedefinitions and the choice of correct class of floor covering.
NOTE1 The specifier should decide whether a higher or lower class of floor covering than that recommended will besufficient.
NOTE 2 Apart from classification in respect to intensity of use, other propertes should be considered and specified inthe manufacturer’s product specifications.
NOTE 3 The list of examples is neither complete nor typical for all countries. Upon implementation of this EuropeanStandard appropriate examples can be chosen by the national standardization bodies of each country based on thegeneral guidelines given in Annex A. This will reflect practical requirements for areas of use and the different expectationsof performance and conditions of service for certain locations in the different countries.Exporters should carefully considerthe examples for areas of use chosen by the relevant importing country.
NOTE1 The specifier should decide whether a higher or lower class of floor covering than that recommended will besufficient.
NOTE 2 Apart from classification in respect to intensity of use, other properties should be considered and specified inthe manufacturer’s product specifications.BS EN 685 pdf download.

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