BS EN 6037:2015 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS EN 6037:2015 pdf free.Aerospace series – Fibre reinforced plastics – Test method – Determination of bearing strength.
BS EN 6037 Specimens type B without tabs. Specimens type A are with or without tabs. However, if tabs are used they shall be strain compatible with the composite being tested. They shall have the dimensions of the gripping area given in Figure 8. They shall be bonded on both specimen faces with an adhesive system that will meet the temperature and ageing requirements. Care should be taken that the adhesive bonding temperature does not add any undesired post cure effect to the laminate.
Number of test specimen Six specimens shall be tested per test condition, except when otherwise specified by the Technical Specification.
If tests are carried out after ageing or at a temperature other than room temperature, care should be taken that room temperature/as received reference specimens according to EN 2743 taken from the same laminated plate are also tested.
Ageing of specimen In case of tests after exposure to humid atmosphere, the conditioning shall be according to EN 2823.
If not otherwise defined by the specification invoking the test, specimens to be tested dry on In the as cured state, should first be conditioned at (23 ± 2) °C, (50 ± 5) % RH in accordance with EN 2743, same requirements to be applied to perform room temperature testing.
Aged specimens shall be tested directly after ageing procedure (a maximum storage of 8 h at (23 ± 2) °C is allowed before testing).
Determination of specimen dimensions After machining, measure on each test specimen: width, hole diameter and thickness using the micrometer of 6.5.
Thickness shall be the mean value obtained from three measurement points.
The thickness measurement points shall be selected to be as representative as possible for the neighbourhood of the hole.Load the specimen to the estimated yield load (to be determined from the material specification) and then unload it to a value of about 10 % to 20 % of this estimated yield load. Then the specimen has to be reloaded until failure occurs. This test sequence is shown schematically in Figure 1.BS EN 6037 pdf download.

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