BS EN 60268-7:2011 pdf free

05-07-2021 comment

BS EN 60268-7:2011 pdf free.Sound system equipment – Headphones and earphones.
BS EN 60268-7 This part of lEC 60268,is applicable to headphones,headsets,earphones and earsets,intended to be used on, or in, the human ear. lt also applies to equipment, such as pre-amplifiers,passive networks and power supplies which form an integral part of the headphone system.
lt does not deal with:
a) safety, for which reference should be made to lEC 60065 or another appropriate standard;b) the characteristics of microphones of headsets,for which reference should be made toIEC 60268-4;
c) earphones and other devices for hearing aids,for which reference should be made to IEC60118-0;
d) headphones for audiometry;
e) headphones and other devices which form part of an active ear-defender system, although some of its provisions may be applicable.
This standard specifies the characteristics which should be included by the manufacturer inspecifications, and relevant methods of measurement. lt includes a classification of the differenttypes of earphone,mainly characterized by the way in which the transducer is coupledacoustically to the ear, and a classification code which may also be used for marking.The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. Fordated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60038,IEC standard voltages.
IEC 60050(801):1994,International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Chapter 801:Acoustics andelectroacoustics.
stethoscopic headphone:insert headphone by which the earphone(s) is/are coupled to the ears by means of a pair ofrigid tubes, so that the assembly resembles a stethoscope
acoustically open earphone:earphone which intentionally provides an acoustic path between the external environment andthe ear canal.
acoustically closed earphone:earphone which is intended to prevent acoustic coupling between the external environmentand the ear canal.
closed-back earphone:earphone which does not emit significant sound radiation from the back of the transducer tothe external environment.
open-back earphone:earphone which emits significant sound radiation from the back of the transducer to the externalenvironment.BS EN 60268-7 pdf download.

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