BS EN 54-5:2001 pdf free

05-01-2021 comment

BS EN 54-5:2001 pdf free.Fire detection and firealarm systems — Heat detectors — Point detectors.
BS EN 54-5 Class A1,A2,B, C or D detectors shall be provided with an integral red visual indicator, by which theindividual detector,which released an alarm,can be identified,until the alarm condition is reset.Where other conditions of the detector can be visually indicated, they shall be clearly distinguishable fromthe alarm indication, except when the detector is switched into a service mode.For detachable detectors theindicator may be integral with the base or the detector head.The visual indicator shall be visible from adistance of 6 m directly below the detector, in an ambient light intensity up to 500 lux.
Class E, F or G detectors shall be provided with either an integral red indicator,or with another means forlocally indicating the alarm status of the detector.Where the detector provides for connections to ancillary devices (e.g. remote indicators, control relays)open- or short-circuit failures of these connections shall not prevent the correct operation of the detector.
For detachable detectors, a means shall be provided for a remote monitoring system (e.g. the control andindicating equipment) to detect the removal of the head from the base, in order to give a fault signal.
lt shall not be possible to change the manufacturer’s settings except by special means (e.g. a special codeor tool, or by breaking or removing a seal).lf there is provision for on-site adjustment of the response behaviour of the detector then:
a) for each setting at which the manufacturer claims compliance with this standard, he shall declarea corresponding class,and for each such seting the detector shall comply with the requirements ofthis standard for the corresponding class,and access to the adjustment means shall only be possibleby the use of a code or special tool or by removing the detector from its base or mounting;
b) any setting(s) at which the manufacturer does not claim compliance with this standard shall onlybe accessible by the use of a code or special tool, and it shall be clearly marked on the detector or inthe associated data, that if these setting(s) are used, the detector does not comply with the standard.BS EN 54-5 pdf download.

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