BS EN 454:2014 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS EN 454:2014 pdf free.Food processing machinery—Planetary mixers—Safety and hygiene requirements.
BS EN 454 Planetary mixers are classified into the following two categories according to their bowl volume:
一class 1: bowls having a volume equal to or greater than 5 L and less than 10 L;
一class 2: bowls having a volume equal to or greater than 10 L and less than or equal to 200 L,
where the bowl volume is the maximum volume of water in litres that the bowl can contain.When a mixer is supplied with several bowls of different capacities, the mixer classification is determined by the size of the bowl with the greatest volume. 4,List of significant hazards
This clause contains all the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, identified by risk assessment as significant for this type of machinery and which require measures to eliminate or reduce the risk associated with the identified hazards (see Table 1).
When fixed guards or parts of the machine acting as such are not permanently fixed, e.g. by welding, their
fixing systems shall remain attached to the guards or to the machinery when the guards are removed.
Access from above shall be prevented while the tool is moving. This may be achieved by a movable interlocking guard covering the top of the bowl. The bowl itself when in working position prevents access from other directions.
For Class 1 planetary mixers, because of their low power and small size, access to the volume covered by the tool shall be at least restricted by a bowl extension. It may be fixed or associated with an interlocking device and movable so that the tool will not operate unless the bowl extension is in position, see Figure 3. There shall be a minimum distance of 120 mm between the upper edge of the extension and the upper limit of the volume covered by the tool. The distance between the upper edge of bowl and the lower edge of the bowl extension may not exceed 8 mm. In working position the distance between the upper edge of the bowl extension and the machine frame shall be less than or equal to 80 mm.BS EN 454 pdf download.

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