BS EN 2826:2011 pdf free

05-07-2021 comment

BS EN 2826:2011 pdf free.Aerospace series – Burningbehaviour of non metallicmaterials under the influenceof radiating heat and flames—Determination of gascomponents in the smoke.
BS EN 2826 The gas-sampling test set-up shall conform to EN 2824,Figure 9.Unless otherwise specified, gas sampling shall be started at 4 min. lf gas samples are taken during themeasurement of smoke, the smoke measurement values may be affected.The point of time indicated for the measurement means the beginning of the measurement, i. e. of the gassampling. lf the sampling period exceeds 40 s, this shall be noted separately in the test report.
Sampling by means of plastic bags:The sampling by means of plastic bags shall be carried out according to EN 2824, Figure 9.Before starting the test, the sampling bag shall be evacuated.
The bag is introduced into the vacuum chamber and then connected to the quick release coupling on thecover.The shut-off valve on the bag is opened and the tubing between test chamber and plastic sampling bagis evacuated.Then the vacuum chamber is evacuated to a pressure of 500 hPa.
The sample is introduced into the test chamber and tested according to EN 2825.The chamber shut-off valveand the valve of the vacuum chamber are opened at the time required for starting the gas measurement. Afterfilling of the bag, both supply line valves shall be closed. The vacuum chamber shall be ventilated by means ofvalve 2 2).The shut-off valve 4 2) near the gas bag is closed, the bag is closed and disconnected from thecover. The measuring of the gases contained in the plastic bag shall be carried out within 5 h. Themeasurement of SOz shall be carried out within 5 min after the end of the sampling procedure.Alternative sampling methods:Alternatively, to the sampling method of filling the bag in a vacuum chamber,other methods may also beappropriate, e.g. filling a sampling bag by a suitable pump.
Direct sampling using a dosing pump:Sampling to measure hydrogen chloride using colorimetric tubes is affected during the test direcly from thetest chamber by a dosing pump to EN 2824,3.15.
The sampling system and the dosing pump shall be checked for leakages.
Handling of colorimetric tubes:For handling andor preparation of the test tubes, the instructions of the manufacturer shall be observed.BS EN 2826 pdf download.

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