BS EN 228:2012 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS EN 228:2012 pdf free.Automotive fuels — Unleaded petrol — Requirements andtest methods.
BS EN 228 In order to improve performance quality, the use of additives is allowed.Suitable fuel additives without knownharmful side effects are recommended in the appropriate amount to help avoid deterioration of driveability andemissions control durability. Other technical means with equivalent effects may also be used.
CAUTION – Unleaded petrol shall be free from any adulterant or contaminant that may render the fuelunacceptable for use in petrol engine vehicles designed to run on unleaded petrol.NOTE Deposit forming tendency test methods suitable for routine control purposes have not yet been identified anddeveloped.
In order to protect automotive catalyst systems, compounds containing phosphorus shall not be added tounleaded petrol.
Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl(MMT)
When methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) is used, a specific labelling is required (seeClause 4).
MMT is a metallic additive that may be used in unleaded petrol. The presence of the MMT in unleaded petrolshall be limited to 6 mg of manganese per litre from 1 January 2011.The limit shall be 2 mg of manganese perlitre from 1 January 2014.
NOTE These requirements are subject to review following an assessment by the European Commission.
Generally applicable requirements and test methods
When tested by the methods indicated in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4,unleaded petrol, according to its maximumoxygen content, shall be in accordance with the limits specified respectively in Tables 1 and 3, or 2 and 4.
Member States may decide to continue to permit the placing on the market of unleaded regular grade petrol.This separate grade needs to conform to all requirements set out in Tables 1, 2 3 and 4 of this EuropeanStandard with the exception of a minimum motor octane number(MON) of 81 and a minimum research octanenumber (RON) of 91.The requirements and test methods are then to be laid down in a National Annex to thisdocument.
Methods of test included as normative references in this European Standard, when updated, shall give at leastthe same accuracy and at least the same level of precision as the methods they replace.
NOTE For further information on preventing contamination in the supply chain or for cross-contamination it isadvisable to check CEN/TR 15367,Parts 2 and 3 respectively [7, 8].A determination method for high boiling componentsin unleaded petrol is being under development by CEN.BS EN 228 pdf download.

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