BS EN 15876-2:2011 pdf free

05-07-2021 comment

BS EN 15876-2:2011 pdf free.Electronic fee collection — Evaluation of on-board androadside equipment forconformity to EN 15509 Abstract test suite.
BS EN 15876-2 The comment line of single element TTCN tables (e.g. test suite constants) is used to give a reference wherethe format and content of the element is described in the relevant protocol document. Any particularity of theelement format or content is described in the comment line.
The detailed comments are used to describe any peculiarity of the table.
In the ASP, PDU, and CM type declarations, the comments column is used to identify if a parameter (in ASPs)or field (in PDUs) is mandatory or optional:
—M: mandatory;
—O: optional.
ln the ASP and PDU declarations the comments column is further used to give information about theparameterlfield value, in particular if the parameter/field contains a fixed spare value.
The ASPs and PDUs are defined in a way that all relevant parameters/fields are parameterized. Thatimproves the transparency of the constraints in the dynamic part, as all values which are relevant for the testare always present.
Generally no modified constraints are used. This allows an easier reuse and adaptation of constraints if theyare reused in other test specifications.
The detailed comments footer is used to describe any particularity of the table.
All events which are defined as a conformance requirement by the TP, causes a preliminary verdict PASs ifthe requirement is met.
The preamble,the test body and the postamble have different defaults,which allows a specfic verdicthandling, e.g. only INCONC verdicts are assigned in the preamble.
Except for local trees, test steps do not contain a default.Then there are no restictions regarding the errorhandling.
TPs which are listed in the untestable TP list in Clause 6 are not considered in the ATS, thus these TCidentifiers are missing in the ATS and the numbering of the TCs may not always be continuous.BS EN 15876-2 pdf download.

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