BS EN 14836:2018 pdf free

05-01-2021 comment

BS EN 14836:2018 pdf free.Surfaces for sports areas – Syntheticsurfaces for outdoor sports areas -Testmethod for artificial weathering.
BS EN 14836 Specimens are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation under controlled environmental conditions.Two exposure periods are specified.Method 1 is for assessing products intended for installationin environments where high levels of UV exposure are unlikely. Method 2 is for assessing productsintended for installation in environments where high levels of UV exposure might be expected.
NOTE1 Guidance on the direct long-term average solar irradiation levels that any specific region may beexpected to experience is available from numerous sources including: Typically northernEurope will receive between 400 kWh/m2 and 1500kWh/m2 per year and southern Europe will receive between1200 kWh/m2 and 2000 kWh/m2 per year.
NOTE2 Fluorescent UV lamps use the emission from a low-pressure mercury arc to excite a phosphor thatproduces a continuous spectrum in a relatively narrow wavelength interval, which is generally distributedaround a peak wavelength.T’he spectral distribution ofthe radiation from a fluorescent lampis determined by theemission spectrum of the phosphor and the UV transmission properties of the glass tube.Fluorescent UV lampsare generally used to expose material to UV radiation in a limited spectral range.The use of alternative artificialweathering procedures,such as those specified in EN ISO 4892-2, might be used when developing products.
Artificial weathering cabinet using fluorescent UV lamps and environmental controls having thefollowing features:
a) UVA-340 nm lamps (Type 1A) in accordance with EN ISO 4892-3, with a spectrum in accordance
with EN ISO 4892-3 and capable of uniformly applying radiation to the test specimen at anirradiance of 0,80 W/m2/nm at 340 nm.
b) Exposure chamber,constructed from inert material and that provides uniform irradiance
in accordance with item a), and that includes a means of controlling and measuring therelevant parameters.
c)Condensation wetting mechanism, to wet the exposed face of the specimen, in accordance with EN ISO 4892-3:2016,4.5.2.The water vapour shall be generated by heating water in a containerlocated beneath and extending across the whole area occupied by the test pieces. Test specimenholders (completely filled with specimens or blanking panels) shall constitute the sidewall of theexposure chamber, so that the backs of the holders are exposed to the cooling effect of the ambientroom temperature.BS EN 14836 pdf download.

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