BS EN 13848-5:2008 pdf free

05-11-2021 comment

BS EN 13848-5:2008 pdf free.Railway applicationsTrack — Track geometry qual1ty — Geometric quality levels.
BS EN 13848-5 These values are given as a function of speed,which is an important factor for the evaluation of trackgeometry quality.Parts 2, 3 and 4 of EN 13848 give measuring methods for track geometry whereby trackgeometry quality can be assessed.
The values in the tables are given for a loaded track as defined in EN 13848-1.When the measurements aremade on unloaded track, the difference in the measured values that may result need to be taken into account.The normative part of the standard gives lALs for isolated defects and for mean track gauge.
The informative part of this European Standard gives lLs and ALs for isolated defects and mean track gauge,and ALs for standard deviations.
The track geometry limits AL, IL and IAl differ from the 3 vehicle acceptance levels QN1,QN2 and QN3 usedin EN 14363. More particularly QN3 is quite different from IAL because,according to EN 14363,itcharacterises track sections which do not exhibit the usual track geometry quality.Quality level QN3, however,does not represent the most adverse but still tolerable maintenance status which still allows regular trainoperations.
NOTE 2 A further quality level of track geometry can be used for track works acceptance (seeEN 13231-1)
NOTE3 The intervention limit depends on the corrective maintenance policy , the frequency of inspection and defectgrowth rate.
The immediate action limit values given in this standard are derived from experience and from theoreticalconsiderations of the wheel-rail interaction as physical tests with different vehicles up to the point ofderailment are not practicable.
Exceeding these immediate action limit values requires specific measures to be implemented to reduce therisk of derailment or other hazards to an acceptable level.
The wavelength range D3 is not taken into account in the following, as it is not directly linked with safety, butmore with vehicle ride quality.
The immediate action limits given in the following tables and figures are normative.With the exception of track gauge, all values stated are absolute.
The values provided in the following tables apply to the nominal track gauges 1 435 mm,1 524 mm and1 668 mm. Networks using other nominal track gauges shall adjust the values accordingly.
The reference for the track gauge in the HS INS TSI is 1 435 mm.
NOTE The minimum and maximum values in Table 2 and Table 3 are independent from the design track gauge.BS EN 13848-5 pdf download.

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