BS EN 12977-2:2018 pdf free

05-01-2021 comment

BS EN 12977-2:2018 pdf free.Thermal solar systems and components- Custom built systems Test methods for solar water heaters and combisystems.
BS EN 12977-2 Check the design plan and the system documentation to verify that each collector or each section ofcollector array which can be shut off is fitted with at least one suitable safety valve.
Check the specification of the safety valves, whether the materials fulfil the requirements given inEN 12977-1:2018,6.5.1.
Check whether the size of the safety valve is correct, in compliance with the requirements given inEN 12977-1:2018,6.5.1.
Additionally, for large custom built systems: For testing the system behaviour after release of one ormore safety valves according to the requirements given in EN 12977-1:2018,6.5.1, check the electricand hydraulic schemes or any other part of the documentation according toEN 12977-1:2018,6.8.3.
Check the hydraulic scheme and system documentation to verify that safety and expansion lines cannotbe shut off.
Check the internal diameter of the safety and the expansion line with respect to the requirements givenin EN 12977-1:2018,6.5.2.
Check the hydraulic scheme and system documentation to verify that the expansion line and the safetyline are connected and laid in such a way that any accumulation of dirt, scale or similar impurities isavoided.
Check the hydraulic scheme and system documentation to verify that the blow-off lines fulfil therequirements given in EN 12977-1:2018,6.5.3. Store isolation valve For large systems only: Verify the existence of a shut-off valve by checking the system documentation haccordance with EN 12977-1:2018,6.5.4.Indicators for collector loop flow Check the hydraulic scheme and system documentation in respect of the position and installation of therecommended indicators for the collector loop flow.
Check the hydraulic scheme and system documentation in respect of the position and the installationof the pressure gauge or, in the case of some drain-back systems without pressure gauge, of the othermeans provided for checking drain-back and the fluid level in the collector loop.If large custom built systems are equipped with heat meters (see EN 12977-1:2018,, this shouldbe mentioned in the system documentation.
Check the design plans and the system documentation to see whether the leak tightness of the roof maybe affected by the installation of the collector. For small custom built systems see EN 12976-2:2017,Annexes E and F.
For large custom built systems verify the compliance with the requirements given in EN 12977-1:2018,6.6.2 by checking the documentation included in EN 12977-1:2018,6.8.4.BS EN 12977-2 pdf download.

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