BS EN 12962:2011 pdf free

05-07-2021 comment

BS EN 12962:2011 pdf free.Adhesives- Determinationof elastic behaviour of liquidadhesives (elasticity index).
BS EN 12962 This European Standard specifies a test method to determine the elastic behaviour of and elastomericmonocomponent liquid adhesive under specified conditions.
This method is particularly suitable for production control.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments) applies.
EN 923:2005+A1:2008,Adhesives — Terms and definitions
EN 1067, Adhesives — Examination and preparation of samples for testingEN ISO 15605,Adhesives — Sampling (ISO 15605:2000)
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 923:2005+A1:2008 apply.
A specifically shaped and graduated spindle (see Figure 1) is dipped into the adhesive to be tested.The shaftof the spindle is attached to a motor rotating at a constant specified speed for a certain period of time. Duringrotation, the adhesive under test rises (in equilibrium to gravitation) up to a reproducible height on reading ofthe spindle shaft.The height (in millimetres) measured is taken as “elasticity index”.
A significant sample of the adhesive shall be taken in accordance with EN ISO 15605 and prepared fortesting as described in EN 1067.Store the sample in a closed container and keep it in the temperature-controlled room (5.6) until the sample reaches (23±2)°C (at least 30 min).
In order to minimize evaporation of solvent, the operations from 6.3 to 6.8 shall be carried out in the shortestpossible time.
Weight (200,0±0,1) g of the adhesive under test into the beaker(5.1).
Place the beaker containing the adhesive under the stirrer (5.3) taking care to centre the beaker.Dip slowly the spindle (5.2) into the adhesive avoiding trapping air bubbles in the liquid (for examplehold the spindle at an angle of approximately 45° to the surface of the product and manually turn during theimmersion).lnsert the spindle in the mandrel of the stirrer.
Regulate the spindle immersion until the liquid reaches the highest part of the cone: position zero, andlock the mandrel of the stirrer.
Protect the adhesive by covering the beaker with a properly shaped paper.
Start the motor set at the speed of (300± 10) min1.
Start the stopwatch simultaneously with the motor and then stop both after (30 ±1)s from the starting.6.11 Read and note the height reached by the adhesive on the shaft of the spindle for the test report.lgnoreany value exceeding 50 mm and the results of any tests during which an irregular,irreproducible behaviour ofthe adhesive on the rotating stirrer was stated, e.g. a “throwing” caused by centrifugal forces.
Clean the spindle with a suitable solvent (acetone, aliphatic hydrocarbons or ethanol) and repeat themeasurement.
Take the average of the two values measured.
Express the “elasticity index” as the mean of the duplicate determination(6.11) in millimetres rounded to thenearest 1 mm.BS EN 12962 pdf download.

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