BS EN 12607-3:2000 pdf free

05-01-2021 comment

BS EN 12607-3:2000 pdf free.Methods of test forpetroleum and itsproducts —BS 2000-460.3:Bitumenand bituminous binders — Determination of theresistance to hardeningunder the influence ofheat and air.
BS EN 12607-3 Weigh 100 g ±1 g of the test sample into the flask of the rotary evaporator (4.1) to the nearest5 mg, and record the mass mo.Allow to cool in a desiccator to a temperature between 18 °C and 28 °C, and determine the massme of the sample to the nearest 5 mg.Heat the oil bath (4.7) to the test temperature ± 1°C and mount the flask containing the sample inthe bath with the axis of rotation of the flask lying at an angle of 45° to the perpendicular and thespherical body of the flask being completely immersed in the bath liquid (see Figure 1). Insert theair inlet pipe (4.5) along the axis of rotation of the flask with a clearance of 40 mm± 2 mm betweenthe lower end of the pipe and the bottom of the flask.
NOTE: The reference temperature of the test is 165 °C; however, it is possible to perform the test at other temperatures.Heat the sample without supplying additional air while the flask rotates at 20 min ± 5 min 1.After10 min ± 1 min, switch on the air supply at a flow rate of 500 ml/min±10 ml/min.
Ensure that the air supply is at a temperature of between 18 °C and 28 °C when entering the air-inlet pipe and that throughout the test, the temperature of the bath liquid is maintained at the testtemperature土1°℃.
After 150 min ± 1 min, measured from the time when air was first admitted, switch off the rotationmechanism and air supply and remove the flask immediately from the bath liquid,When the flaskhas cooled slightly, wipe off the oil adhering to its outer surface with a cloth saturated with a
suitable volatile solvent.
lmmediately place the flask in the oven (4.8), set at a temperature of 110°C±5°℃ and keep itthere for 30 min ±1 min to permit the sample dispersed over the inner wall during rotation, tocollect at the bottom of the flask and to allow remaining solvent to be released.Cool the flask in the desiccator for 90 min ±5 min to an ambient temperature between 18 °C and28 °C and weigh the content of the flask to the nearest 5 mg .Calculate the mass ma of the sampleafter hardening.BS EN 12607-3 pdf download.

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