BS 8539:2012 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS 8539:2012 pdf free.Code of practice for theselection and installation ofpost-installed anchors inconcrete and masonry.
BS 8539 lt is vital that all persons and organizations involved in the use of anchors understand their role and responsibilities, in order that the recommendations madein this British Standard can be implemented at each stage of the fulfilment of aproject.person or organization can take on more than one role.
Any person who at any time changes a specification without notifying the originalspecifier is deemed to have taken on the role and responsibilities of the specifier(see 4.3).
lt is recommended that one person be identified as having overall responsibility forthe structure within which an anchorage is expected to function,from commencement of its consideration through the construction stage to commissioning of the buildinglproject.This person will normally be the designer.As certain parts of this activity, such as the specific acts of selection, design and orspecification of the anchor itself,may be delegated to others,e.g. specialist
subcontractors, the role of specifier is identified so as to set out the responsibilitiesto be fulfilled by the person with that role. The specifier may be the designer.
The installation of anchors might require the use of procedures or products that arepotentially hazardous.Attention is drawn to the Health and Safety at Work, etc.Act 1974 [9].
Anchor manufacturers and suppliers should provide such information as isnecessary for the specifier and the installer to ensure the safe selection,specification, installation, use, maintenance, cleaning, dismantling or disposal ofthe anchor without risk to safety or health.NOTE See Clause 6 for details of the information to be supplied.
While anchor manufacturers and suppliers may provide advice, for which theyshould take responsibility, that does not make them the specifier in the contextof this British Standard, as they do not have responsibility for the selection ofthe anchor within the project.Suppliers of anchors should take care to supply anchors as ordered by customers.Specifications of anchors that have been ordered should not be changed unlessthe change management procedure in Clause 10 has been followed and theproposed change has been approved by the specifier.
The designer should take into account the preliminary design considerationslisted in 5.2.The designer should also supply all necessary information to thespecifier as required to complete the selection process as outlined in 6.3.Specifier
The specifier should determine the most appropriate anchor for the particularapplication, by following the selection process given in Clause 5 and using theappropriate design method for that anchor.
NOTE 1 Guidance on design methods is given in Annex A.
The specifier should seek technical assistance from the manufacturer/supplierwhere necessary and, if the specifier is not the designer, should seek informationfrom the designer as recommended in 6.3.The selection process should take intoaccount the most onerous loads to which the anchor might be subjected, andthe direction of the loads, including temporary loading applied during theerection phase.
Once the selection and design processes are completed, the specifier shouldspecify the anchor explicitly and completely, so that the anchor installed on sitefulfils the design criteria (see 5.5 and 6.4).
lf any party proposes an alternative anchor to that specified, the specifier shouldensure that the change management procedure outlined in Clause 10 is carriedout.BS 8539 pdf download.

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