BS 8470:2006 pdf free

05-11-2021 comment

BS 8470:2006 pdf free.Secure destruction ofconfidential material-Code of practice.
BS 8470 An approved intruder alarm system conforming to PD 6662 andmonitored by an approved alarm receiving centre conforming to BS 5979 should be installed in the premises. As a minimum the systemshould cover the processing, storage and office areas, or premisesshould be guarded in accordance with BS 7499.
A CCTv system with recording facilities should be installed to monitorthe unloading, storage and processing areas with the exception ofholding sites.The recorded images should be retained for a minimum of31 days unless otherwise agreed with the client.
Authorized entry to operational areas by visitors should be subject tosupervision by appropriately screened personnel.Unauthorized personsshould be denied access to operational areas.
A written contract covering all transactions should exist between theclient and the company.Where processing of personal data is carried out by a data processor onbehalf of a data controller, the data controller should:
a) choose a data processor providing sufficient guarantees in respect of the technical and organizational security measures governingthe processing to be carried out; and
b) take reasonable steps to ensure compliance with those measures.NOTE Attention is drawn to the obligations imposed upon companies bythe Data Protection Act 1998 [1].
Sub-contracted work should only be allocated to a company followingthe recommendations in this British Standard.
In every case the client should be informed that a sub-contractor isbeing used to securely destroy confidential material.
All staff employed in the business of secure destruction of confidentialmaterial should be security screened in accordance with BS 7858.Prior to employment all employees should sign a Deed of Confidentiality.
Confidential material to be collected should be protected from unauthorized access from the point of collection to the completion ofdestruction.
Where possible, confidential material collected should be stored incontainers secured by an individually numbered seal or security lock.Collections should be made by uniformed and suitably trained staffcarrying photographic identification.BS 8470 pdf download.

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