BS 7858:2006 pdf free

05-11-2021 comment

BS 7858:2006 pdf free.Security screening of individuals employed in asecurity environment-Code of practice.
BS 7858 The organization should not employ individuals whose career orhistory indicates that they would be unlikely to resist the opportunitiesfor illicit personal gain, or the possibilities of being compromised, orthe opportunities for creating any other breach of security, which suchemployment might offer.
The organization should not employ individuals who, where required, cannot produce a valid work permit, visa or accession stateworker registration card within the timescales required by law.
NOTE Attention is drawn to the The Immigration (Restrictions on.Employment) Order 2004 [9].
The organization should make clear to all individuals employed insecurity screening (see Clause 8), and to those with authority to offerprovisional or confirmed employment, that high standards of honestyand integrity should be maintained in view of the special circumstancesof the environment in which they are employed.
Individuals employed in security screening should also be mindful of thedifference between personal opinion and fact when recording information about individuals.
Although no system of security screening can provide absolutesecurity, the organization should use every endeavour to ensure thatthe integrity of its personnel is established and maintained.
NOTE In some cases, the application of this British Standard mightprevent emplogment or cause dismissal, because the verification procedures cannot be completed satisfactorily. It is emphasized that thisshould not necessarilyy be taken as an indication of unsuitability; it mightsimply not have been possible to obtain the required positive evidence.
The organization should carry out security screening in accordancewith this British Standard prior to the engagement of individuals forrelevant employment or to their being transferred to relevant employment from other duties for which they have not previously beensubjected to security screening in accordance with this British Standard.
The organization should ensure that security screening inaccordance with this British Standard has been carried out on allindividuals already in relevant employment. Employees already screened to previous editions of this Standard need not be re-screened.
This British Standard should be applied equally to all individuals inrelevant employment, including full-time and part-time employees,temporary and permanent employees, and to all levels of seniority,including directors.The full security screening procedure should becarried out in the case of individuals regardless of their previousemployment,even if that employment was in a security environment.BS 7858 pdf download.

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