BS 5837:2012 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS 5837:2012 pdf free.Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction Recommend ations.
BS 5837 AIl plans should be to scale and should state to which IsO A paper size the scale relates, as well as showing a scale bar and a north point. When plans are drawn in colour, they should carry the following statement (or similar): “The original of this drawing was produced in colour – a monochrome copy should not be relied upon”.
An accurately measured topographical survey should be undertaken showing all relevant features.
NOTE 1 A method of carrying out topographical surveys is given in RICS specification Surveys of land buildings and utility services at scales of 1:500 and
larger [1].
NOTE 2 Prior to commencing the topographical survey, it might be appropriate to seek the advice of an arboriculturist on its scope, particularly where there are woodlands or substantial tree groups present.
Where clearance of undergrowth is essential to facilitate the survey process, it is important that this is undertaken in consultation with relevant professionals, in order to avoid damage to, for example, arboricultural, archaeological or ecological features. Where appropriate, this should include expert attendance on site during the works.The survey should be made available as scale drawings and preferably also in a commonly recognized digital format. It should be used to inform all design and planning decisions.
The survey should record:
a)spot levels at the base of trees and throughout the site at an interval appropriate to meet design requirements, recorded as a grid and interpolated as contours, ensuring that any abrupt changes, embankments, ditch inverts and retaining features are recorded;
b) the position of all trees within the site with a stem diameter of 75 mm or more (see Note), measured at 1.5 m above highest adjacent ground level;
NOTE In the case of woodlands or substantial tree groups, only individual trees with stem diameters greater than 150 mm usually need be plotted.
c)the position of trees with an estimated stem diameter of 75 mm or more that overhang the site or are located beyond the site boundaries within a distance of up to 12 times their estimated stem diameter;
d) for individual trees, the crown spread taken at four cardinal points; for woodlands or substantial tree groups, the overall extent of the canopy;
e)the extent, basal ground levels and height of shrub masses, hedges, hedgerows and stumps;
f) other relevant landscape features and artefacts, such as streams, buildings and other structures, boundary features and means of enclosure, trenching scars near to trees, and overhead and underground utility apparatus,including drainage runs with manholes and invert levels.BS 5837 pdf download. 

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