BS 3790:2006 pdf free

05-11-2021 comment

BS 3790:2006 pdf free.Specification for belt drives-Endless wedge belts, endlessV-belts, banded wedge belts,banded V-belts and theircorresponding pulleys.
BS 3790 This British Standard specifies the dimensions and certain other properties of endless wedge belts,V-belts and equivalent banded beltsand their corresponding grooved pulleys, when used for power transmission.
Recommendations and information on the design, selection andinstallation of drive assemblies are given in Annex C and Annex E.Recommendations on the storage of belts are given in Annex B.This standard does not apply to industrial variable speed drivesemploying pulleys with movable flanges, or to drives specified inBS 3733 or BS ISO 5287.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the editioncited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.BS 1913:1990, Specification for soft soap.
BS ISO 254:1998, Belt drives – Pulleys – Quality,finish and balance.
For the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms anddefinitions apply.wedge or V-belt or banded belt drive
drive that consists of one or more trapezoidal cross-section beltsmounted on grooved pulleys.
power rating maximum power that a specific belt can transmit under specifiedgeometrical and ambient conditions during a given period of time,provided the drive is installed and maintained following generally accepted rules for V-belt and wedge belt drives and gives a satisfactoryservice life.
Belts shall consist of a combination of fabric, cord and elastomericcompound(s), the whole being bonded together in a uniform mannerand shaped in accordance with the best manufacturing practice. Beltsshall be suitable for operating at ambient temperatures between -18 Cand +60 °C and shall not be adversely affected by the temperatureunder normal operating conditions within this range.
The construction of the belt shall be one of four basic belt constructionsas illustrated in Figure 2.
The nominal cross-sectional dimensions and the nominal included angleof belts shall be as given in Table 1; however, dimensions of belts madeby individual manufacturers may vary slightly from the nominal valuesgiven in Table 1, provided that the belts fit pulley grooves within thelimits given in Table 3 when mounted on two measuring pulleys madein accordance with Table 4.BS 3790 pdf download.

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