BS EN 960:2006 pdf free

05-11-2021 comment

BS EN 960:2006 pdf free.Headforms for use inthe testing of protective helmets.
BS EN 960 This European Standard specifies the dimensional and constructional details of headforms for use in the testingof protective helmets.
Terms and definitions For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
headform three dimensional approximation of part, or all, of the human head, excluding facial features and pinnae. Threegeneral forms are characterized in this European Standard, viz:
full headform – extends from the crown downwards to below the chin and includes part of the neck;
three-quarter headform – extends from the crown downwards at the sides and rear to below the level of thebasic plane;
half headform – extends from the crown downwards at the sides and rear to approximately the level of thebasic plane.
size designation circumference of a given headform, expressed in mm, as shown in Table 1.
circumference, cfor a given headform, the length of its periphery, measured at the level of the reference plane.
vertical transverse plane for a given headform, the vertical plane perpendicular to both the vertical longitudinal plane and the referenceplane and located mid-way between the front and rear extremities of the headform.
NOTE This corresponds to the coronal plane of the human head.
basic plane for a given headform, the horizontal plane located at a vertical distance ‘x’ below and parallel to the referenceplane.
NOTE This coresponds to the basic plane of the human head being the longitudinal plane which passes through the lowerlevel of the eye orbits and the upper level of the external opening of the ear canals.
centre of gravity of the three-quarter headformpoint A for a given headform, the point on the central vertical axis located at a vertical distance 12,7mm above thereference plane.
The headforms shall be made of metal and,together with any means for their support, shall exhibit noresonance below a frequency of 2 000 Hz.
Full headforms shall have the following characteristics:
a)the centre of gravity shall be located within a 10 mm radius of point G on the central vertical axis;
b)a facility for attaching an accelerometer shall be incorporated such that, with the headform in any angularorientation, the respective sensitive axes of the accelerometer shall pass within 10 mm of point G;
c)the appropriate mass, if specified in Table 1. Three-quarter headforms shall have the following characteristics:
i)the centre of gravity shall be located within a 10 mm radius of point A on the central vertical axis.BS EN 960 pdf download.

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