BS 5990:2006 pdf free

05-11-2021 comment

BS 5990:2006 pdf free.Specification for directgas-fired forced convection air heaterswith rated heat inputsgreater than 330 kW butnot exceeding 2MW forindustrial and commercialspace heating -Safetyand performance requirements (excludingelectrical requirements)(2nd family gases).
BS 5990 This British Standard gives detailed requirements, including safety andperformance requirements and methods of test, for direct gas firedforced convection air heaters having heat inputs greater than 330 kWbut not exceeding 2 MW, intended for industrial and commercial applications. Appliances covered by this standard are not intended forinstallation in domestic dwellings.
The scope of this standard includes direct gas fired forced convectionair heaters for use both with and without ducting, and intended primarily for space heating applications. It therefore includes airheaters designed to provide make-up air, door curtain heaters, spraybooth heaters, portable air heaters and direct fired air heaters capableof providing full space heating.
This standard specifies the requirements for direct gas fired forcedconvection air heaters designed for permanent outdoor installation. Italso specifies the requirements for transportable direct gas fired forcedconvection air heaters.
This standard applies to appliances designed to operate on normal lowpressure district supplies of 2nd family gas.
For appliances fitted with gas boosters, additional requirements mayapply.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the editioncited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
For the purposes of this British Standard, the terms and definitionsgiven in BS 1179-6, BS 6230 and the following apply.
system that automatically controls gas and air flow rates so as to maintain the desired air-gas ratio throughout the heat input range of theappliance temperature-actuated control intended to maintain the temperature ofthe discharged air between specified limits; this is the normal means ofair temperature control.
BS EN 437 describes the category system of appliance classification inwhich an appliance is denoted by a category number I,II or III accordingto the number of gas families that it is designed to burn, these familiesbeing identified by subscript numbers 1,2 and 3 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rdfamilies respectively, and subscript letters identifying specific gas
groups.BS 5990 pdf download.

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