BS 8474:2006 pdf free

05-11-2021 comment

BS 8474:2006 pdf free.Furniture – Chairs withelectrically operatedsupport surfaces – Requirements.
BS 8474 This British Standard specifies requirements and test methods for chairswith support surfaces the position of which can be adjusted electricallyby the seated person and/or an attendant, including reclining chairs andriser chairs. It is applicable to chairs for use by people weighing up to100 kg. The standard is applicable to single and multiple seating units.In the text of this standard the term “chairs” is used to refer to chairswith electrically operated support surfaces. The term “chairs” alsorefers to multiple seating units.
The standard is applicable to chairs intended for domestic andnon-domestic use.
This standard specifies only the safety, strength and durability of thechair structure. It does not specify the fire resistance or durabilityproperties of filling materials, upholstery fabrics or foam cushions.Also, it does not specify the electrical safety of the support surfaceadjustment mechanism. The requirements in this standard are
applicable to chairs in the fully assembled condition, ready for use.The standard does not specify resistance to degradation of thestructural materials by sunlight or chemical attack.
This standard does not cover any ancillary devices attached to, or builtinto, the chair structure, such as a table, refrigerator or television remote control (see Note 2).
NOTE 1Chairs which are medical devices are required to conform toEC Directive 93/42 EEC (the Medical Devices Directive).One means ofcomplging with the Medical Devices Directive is given in BS 8480.
NOTE 2lf conformity to a standard is to be claimed for such ancillarydevices, conformity assessment against the relevant standard(s) would needto be carried out separatelg.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the referencecited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.The chair shall be tested in accordance with Annex A using the 7 mmand 12 mm test probes. There shall be no tubular components, holes orgaps into which the either of the test probes can be pushed to a depth of10 mm or more by a force of 30 N or less, and from which the probecannot then be pulled out again using a force of 30 N or less.
If the chair has tubular legs, the bottom of each leg shall be capped orplugged.
Shear and squeeze points shall be considered to exist if, when tested inaccordance with Annex A, the 4 mm or the 300 mm test probe can bepushed into any gap between two accessible parts moving relative toeach other or accessible parts moving relative to the floor.
If, when tested in accordance with Annex A, there are shear and squeezepoints that are created by parts of the chair operated by the supportsurface adjustment mechanisms, including springs, the chair shall befitted with a stopping device such that the chair conforms to 4.3.3.When a chair fitted with a stopping device is tested in accordance withAnnex B, movement of the chair shall stop before a force of 30 N isreached.BS 8474 pdf download.

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