BS 8467:2006 pdf free

05-11-2021 comment

BS 8467:2006 pdf free.Protective clothing – Personal protective ensembles for use againstchemical, biological, radiological and nuclear(CBRN) agents – Categorization,performance requirements and testmethods.
BS 8467 This British Standard specifies requirements for personal protectiveensembles intended to be used during rescue, evacuation, escape,hazard containment, decontamination and similar associated activitiesby first responders, fire, ambulance, police and associated civilianagencies and workers, for protection during chemical, biological,radiological and nuclear (CBRN) events.
This standard covers a variety of ensembles intended to provide a rangeof levels of protection against chemical warfare agents, toxic industrialchemicals and materials,biological agents and contamination by radioactive particles. It is assumed that an equivalent amount of protection from radioactive particles will be provided as a result of theprotection that is provided from particulate chemical agents.
This standard does not cover ensembles intended to provide protectionfrom irradiation by ionizing radiation, i.e. beta and gamma radiation,and for which no currently available chemical protective clothing willnecessarily offer significant protection. Nor does it cover blast or heatprotection from a nuclear device.
This standard is not necessarily appropriate for responders to releasesfrom establishments where the nature of the hazardous material isknown in advance and where the establishment has emergency plansthat include provision of appropriate PPE.
NOTE1 Ensembles conforming to this standard might be switable for usein situations other than those involving the specific CBRN agents.identified in the standard.Information supplied by the ensemble suppliervsor individual component manufacturers will indicate such additionalpossible performance applications.
This standard also considers compatibility and interface with respiratory protective devices, and application and marking of theequipment, including user information.
Ensembles that conform to this standard are designed to be used withrespiratory protective devices. This standard does not identify thespecific performance requirements for such respiratory protectivedevices. However some additional requirements for the respiratoryelement when it is used as part of the ensemble are included in thisstandard, for example full system testing.
BS 8468(all parts), will provide the performance requirements specificto the respiratory devices for protection against CBRN agents to be usedin conjunction with the ensembles identified in this standard.
Annex A provides advice and guidance on selection, use, care andmaintenance and Annex B provides an informative check list of performance requirements in relation to the Essential Health and SafetyRequirements of the PPE Directive [2] in order to assist manufacturersand Notified Bodies in preparing certification against the PPE Directive.Annex C gives requirements for full ensemble system testing for CBRNagents.Annex D gives the test methodology for material swatch testingfor CBRN agents. Annex E gives a test methodology for testing permeation resistance to challenge chemicals in droplet form.BS 8467 pdf download.

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