BS EN 61236:2011 pdf free

05-07-2021 comment

BS EN 61236:2011 pdf free.Live working – Saddles, stickclamps and their accessories.
BS EN 61236 Each device shall come with the manufacturer’s instructions for use and care. Theseinstructions shall be prepared in accordance with the general provisions given in lEC 61477.
These instructions shall include at least maximum mechanical rating;recommended application(s);recommendations for cleaning,storage,transportation,periodic testing,refinishing anddisposal.
This standard provides testing provisions to demonstrate compliance of the product with therequirements of Clause 4.These testing provisions are primarily intended to be used as typetests for validation of the design input. Where relevant,alternative means (calculation,examination, tests, etc.), are specified within the test subclauses for the purpose of saddles,stick clamps and their accessories having completed the production phase.
To show compliance with this standard,the manufacturer shall prove that the type tests havebeen carried out successfully on at least three devices for each type.
However,when the differences between several types of device are limited in number, teststhat are unaffected by the differing characteristics of the devices can be carried out on asingle type of device,and the results can be used for the other device types.
The different type tests,and the order in which these tests are performed are given inAnnex B.
The tests in Tables B.1,B.2,B.3 and B.4 of Annex B shall be performed,following thespecified order.
NOTE In Tables B.1,B.2,B.3 and B.4 the numbers within parentheses provide reference to the Subclause wherethe relevant test is explained.For some families of devices,columns are divided in sub-columns equal to thenumber of mechanical tests to be applied to these devices (these may be destructive). These sub-columns alsoshow the sequence of tests to be applied (for an example see Table B.5).
Any device failing to pass any one of the tests mentioned in Tables B.1,B.2,B.3 and B.4 ofAnnex B shall result in the design being rejected.Each device shall be visually inspected to detect manufacturing defaults and to check properfunctioning.BS EN 61236 pdf download.

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