BS EN 15984:2011 pdf free

05-07-2021 comment

BS EN 15984:2011 pdf free.Petroleum industry andproducts — Determinationof composition of refineryheating gas and calculation of carbon content andcalorific value — Gaschromatography method.
BS EN 15984 The second analysis system separates non-condensable gases,carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons with twocarbon atoms and hydrogen sulfide with helium(3.1.2) as the carrier gas and a TCD as a detector.After apre-separation on a porous polymer column (column 3) propane and higher hydrocarbons are back flushedand vented. See Figure A.5 for details..When the inert gases (Oz/Ar,N, CH, and CO) are on the molecular sieve 13X column, this column is isolated.Carbon dioxide,the Ce-hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide are eluted from the porous polymer column(column 4) and are detected. The C2-hydrocarbons from this fraction are not used for quantification. After thisthe molecular sieve 13x column (column 6) is eluted and the components are determined on the TCD.Methane is quantified on Analysis System 3.
The third analysis system separates and quantifies all hydrocarbons by an FID and hydrogen (3.1.1) or helium(3.1.2) as the carrier gas. Two columns are used in series. From the methyl silicone column (column 1), thecomponents above a certain cut point e.g. n-pentane are back flushed and determined as a summed peak.The hydrocarbons from the alumina oxide column, column 2, are then separated and quantified.See FigureA.6 for details.
The gas chromatographic system may consist of one or more gas chromatographs, with the possibility forisothermal or temperature programmed runs or both depending on the selected system configuration.A TCDand an FID shall be available.A gas flow control system and gas sampling valves and switching valves are used.Means for quantification shall be provided.NOTE Optionally a vaporizer may be used.
A combination of packed and capillary columns is possible.
lt shall be ascertained that a quantitative separation of all the components that need to be determined (seeTable 1) is possible and that the summed total of Ce, is quantitative. Adequate separation is required betweenthe components on all three separation systems.lf cyclopropane can be determined, it shall be summed to propene.
An example for a typical configuration is given in Annex A.BS EN 15984 pdf download.

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