BS EN 492:2012 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS EN 492:2012 pdf free.Fibre-cement slatesand fittings ——Product specificationand test methods.
BS EN 492 For all end use applications,the testing is performed in vertical position. Products with identical surfacefinishes on both sides have to be tested at one side only. Products with different surface finishes or coatingson different sides shall be tested on both sides or with the side representative for the worst performancedirected to the fire. The worst performance is normally obtained with the side having the finish with the highestorganic content per m? surface or with the side with the darkest colour. The side with the highest organiccontent shall be derived from the composition of the different finishing layers or by determining their Pcsvalue according to EN ISO 1716, taking account of the respective applied dry weights of the finishing layers.
In case both sides are tested, the classification of the side with the worst performance can be used for theclassification of the product, or the classification of each of the sides can be declared separately. In case onlyone side is tested, the classification of that side can be used for the classification of the product.
The product shall be mounted such that the line corresponding to the roof pitch or the vertical wall line isdirected vertically in the test specimen.
The fibre cement slates are laid in a pattern of overlapping which is normal for the type of slate that is to betested.The sizes of the overlaps are as in practice. At the bottom of the frames behind the first row of slates, arow of so called under eave slates is used as in practice.They are cut from the same product.
Perform one test using slates with the largest surface area and then perform the next test using slates with thesmallest surface area. Decide which case gives the worst test results.This worst case is then tested forclassification and is the basis for the classification of the whole product range.
Three valid tests are required for classification. The products used for the construction of the three testassemblies are taken from standard production lots. The normal manufacturing tolerances apply.BS EN 492 pdf download.

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