BS EN 71-5:2015 pdf free

05-06-2021 comment

BS EN 71-5:2015 pdf free.Safety of toys Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets.
BS EN 71-5 Determine the solvent blank residue content by evaporating 50 ml hexane and 50 ml methanol, respectively, in two pre-weighed flasks C and D following steps in 10.2.6 (omitting the sample and extraction steps) and If the calculated blank residue value for a solvent is  0,001 g. the analysis is repeated using a different batch of solvent until the value for the blank is < 0.001 g.
GC-MSD determination of citric acid esters and alkylsullonic acid esters.
After completing weighing as described in add (50±2) ml of hexane to flask A. Stopper flask A and swirl the hexane to completely dissolve the plasticiser extract.
Decant the solution into a 250-mi volumetric flask and by repeatedly rinsing of the flask using hexane, add to the 250-mI flask and make up to the mark.
Prepare (if necessary) further diluted solutions using hexane such that the final concentration in solution is within the linear calibration concentration for plasticiser present.
Transfer a portion of the hexane into a capped vial for GC-MS analysis (conditions as described in the obtained GC-MS spectra to known spectra or ester standards to allow qualitative identification of plasticisers or any other compounds.Plot a calibration graph of the response against the known standard concentrations.
From the calibration graph determine the response of ester found in the blank/sample and interpolate the concentration of ester in pg/mI correcting for any dilutions.ATR-FT-IR Identification of adipic acid polyesters:After completing weighing as described in add (50 ± 2) ml of methanol to flask B. Stopper flask B and swirl the methanol to completely dissolve the plasticiser extract.
Decant the solution into a 250-mI volumetric flask and by repeatedly rinsing of the flask using methanol, add to the 250-mI flask and make up to the mark.
Compare the infrared spectra obtained with a suitable spectral database.BS EN 71-5 pdf download.

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