BS EN 49-1:2016 pdf free

05-02-2021 comment

BS EN 49-1:2016 pdf free.Wood preservatives-Determination of the protective effectiveness against Anobium punctatum (De Geer) by egg-laying and larval survival.
BS EN 49-1 Adult males and females in good condition.Adults to he used in the test shall be collected at daily intervals from naturally infested wood or laboratory culture (see Annex C).
Use recently emerged adults which have been recently collected; kept overnight in quarantine (see C.6); and then checked to ensure that they are undamaged, active and free from any Infestation by mites. Determine the sex (see Annex B) of the collected and checked adults and place the males and females in separate containers.
NOTE The proportion of males and females varies during the emergence period.
Paraffin wax, for sealing the relevant faces of test specimens to be treated with solutions in which water is the continuous phase.
NOTE Paraffin wax with a setting point of 52 GC to 54°C has been found to be suitable.
Gelatin, for sealing the relevant faces of test specimens to be treated with solutions in which an organic solvent is the continuous phase.Paste, for securing filter paper. The paste shall be starch-free, non-toxic to Anobium punctatum and insoluble In the product under test.
NOTE Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, food grade, has been found to be suitable.
Water, complying with grade 3 of EN ISO 3696. Solvent or diluent, a volatile liquid that will dissolve or dilute the preservative but does not leave a residue in the wood at the end of the post-treatment conditioning period that has a toxic effect on the Insects.
Sealing of the narrower longitudinal and the transverse faces and one of the large faces of the test specimens. Seal these faces as follows:For tests with solutions in which water is the continuous phase, apply three coats of the paraffin wax (5.2.1) at about 90 °C so that the first coat adheres closely to the wood and the successive coatings bond to one another. Condition the sealed test specimens in the conditioning chamber (5.3.2) for at least one day.
For tests with preservative solutions in which the continuous phase is an organic solvent that dissolves paraffin wax, use the gelatine (5.2.2): apply the first coat as an aqueous solution of 200 g/l at 40 °C, then after a minimum of 8 h of drying, apply two further coats of an aqueous solution of 300 g/l at 50 °C. Condition the sealed test specimens in the conditioning chamber (5.3.2) for at least one day.BS EN 49-1 pdf download.

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