BS EN 46-1:2016 pdf free

05-02-2021 comment

BS EN 46-1:2016 pdf free.Wood preservatives — Determination of the preventive action against recently hatched larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) Application by surface treatment (laboratory method).
BS EN 46-1 When treatment is to be by brushing or by pipette then only the transverse laces of test specimens shall be sealed. When treatment is to be by dipping then all faces, except one 25 mm x 50 mm face, shall be sealed. The material used for sealing shall be resistant to the penetration of wood preservatives under test. The sealings specified in and have been proven as suitable.For tests with solutions in which water is the continuous phase, apply three coats of the paraffin wax (5.2.1) at about 90°C so that the first coat adheres closely to the wood and the successive coatings bond to one another. Condition the sealed test specimens in the conditioning chamber (5.3.2) for at least one day.
For tests with preservative solutions in which the continuous phase is an organic solvent that dissolves paraffin wax, use the gelatine (5.2.2): apply the first coat as an aqueous solution of 200 g/l at 40°C. then after a minimum of 8 h of drying, apply two further coats of an aqueous solution of 300 gJl at 50°C. Condition the sealed test specimens in the conditioning chamber (5.3.2) for at least one day.Treatment of the test specimens
PreparatIon of the treatment solutions Solid preservatives
— Water-soluble preservatives:Dissolve the preservative in the water (5.2.3) to the required concentration, or in a series of concentrations if toxic values are to be determined.
— Non-water-soluble preservatives:
Dissolve the preservative in an appropriate solvent (5.2.4) to the required concentration, or in a series of concentrations if toxic values are to be determined.
All treatment solutions shall be freshly prepared.Liquid preservatives
If appropriate, use the preservative without further preparation other than any necessary stirring, If it is a concentrate or if toxic values are to be determined, dilute the preservative with the diluent to the required working concentration, using the procedure specified by the manufacturer.All treatment solutions shall be freshly prepared.BS EN 46-1 pdf download.

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