BS EN 13181:2001 pdf free

05-01-2021 comment

BS EN 13181:2001 pdf free.Ventilation forbuildings —Terminals —Performance testing oflouvres subject to simulated sand.
BS EN 13181 This European Standard specifies a method for measuring the sand rejection efficiency of sand traplouvres subject to simulated sand and with inlet air flow through the louvre under test. The Standardconsiders a 1000 mm x 1000 mm section of sand trap louvre, or the nearest possible blade increment, forevaluation purposes. The purpose of the tests incorporated in this European Standard is as follows:a)Sand Rejection Effectiveness To establish the sand rejection effectiveness when subjected to various air flow rates through theassembly.b)Entry loss coefficient/Pressure requirements
To establish the air pressure loss through the sand trap louvre at various air flow rates and bycalculation Discharge Loss Coefficient. Normative references This European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listedhereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publicationsapply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undatedreferences the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
For the purposes of this European Standard the terms and definitions given in CR 12792, togetherwith the following, apply:
sand trap louvre device intended to allow the passage of supply or exhaust air while minimising the ingress of airbornesand
NOTE Sand trap louvres are air terminal devices for use in desert-like conditions or other conditions whereairborne sand is present. They are usually positioned on the inlets to air distribution systems or parts of abuilding, to alleviate the load on the main filtration of air conditioning and similar systems.
sand trap louvre core area product of the minimum height and minimum width of the front opening in the sand trap louvreassembly with the louvre blades removed (see Figure 5)
entry loss coefficient of a louvre actual air flow rate divided by the theoretical air flow rate at a given pressure difference across thelouvre.
theoretical air flow product of the louvre core area and the air velocity calculated using the pressure difference across thelouvre as the velocity pressure, assuming C= 1 (see clause 4)
sand rejection effectiveness quotient resulting from the total weight of sand rejected divided by the total weight of sand injected, atany velocity through the louvre.BS EN 13181 pdf download.

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